They pretty much adore me :)

Thursday, April 8

Stupid Facebook Drama!


I'm sure I stated this in a previous post but I'm hardly ever really on facebook anymore. I stop by regularly to accept friend request and respond to messages...but other than that I could do without the boredom of it all. Something that really bothers me on facebook is when silly females decide to have full-blown arguments over men that are supposed to be theirs. Every time I log in this one girl in particulars status ALWAYS pops up on my newsfeed. Every time it is a different status about her "boyfriend"[notice the quotation marks...they are on a "break" or whatev.] and how she is laughing at all the girls approaching her saying they talk to/fuck/love him. How he is hers and how all the girls making these "false" claims need to back off and stop hating. It always bothers me to read it and to read some of her so called "haters" response to them. Personally I think if she is fighting with a new bitch everyday about someone that is supposed to be hers she needs to let that shit go. Especially since I know the guy she is fighting over. This guy does not claim her at all. I KNOW at least 3 other girls he is fucking and he talks so badly about his "girlfriend" because she was supposedly "going" [got around] before they got together. [Side note: Yes, he is all kinds of wrong for that because he knew the deal before he started to lead her everybody saying he dating a hoe and he wants to renege...naw nigga, you deal with yo shit.]

She always claims to be a "grown woman" but always takes time out of her day to address every other bitch in her not so perfect picture of life. Every status she makes sounds very childish...arguing over someone who doesn’t even claim her. People coming to her page just to tell her how stupid she is, but she has friends that support it. Her friends should step in and tell her even if she is tripping about the other bitches do not entertain the people of facebook with your life drama...or better yet to leave his ass. She recently went and got a tattoo on her neck that states his name big as day.[while on their "break", BUT he's still fucking her he just doesnt claim to even hang out with her anymore.] Smh, I understand people have to make their own mistakes to really learn but how can she not see the stupidity in the whole situation.

The situation leaves her looking silly and him being triflin' as hell. [Mind you, she is only 17.] I wish I were her "friend" or even a close enough associate to tell her to do better. Her past doesn’t define her and she doesn’t
deserve the treatment from her "boyfriend" and his bitches. She's such a pretty girl...but no matter how pretty you are it can never fill the void of the brain she lacks.*sigh* I just hope if I have a daughter one day I can raise her to be better, that she IS better. Toodles.


F said...

And I repeat... WTF??? 17??? Damn... And she is stuck on ONE GUY??? What is she trying to do, marry the dude? This is beyond ridiculous... They guy is just going to keep using her as long as she allows it. I'm up for learnign from mistakes and all, but some things just should not happen. Oh well...

Shay said...

Seriously . Ughh . That makes me sick . No guy is ever that serious . Girls need to learn themselves before they jump into a relationship .

Black Pearl said...

I shall call her "Stupid Stalker"!

That is the dumbest shit!! lol

gone said...

poor girl. . .

Anonymous said...

My teenage years are behind me. Way behind me! I left all that "the boy is mine" shit long ago. How can she claim to be 'grown' and how can she air her dirty laundry in public?

Anonymous said...

A real boyfriend stays with you only.

Molara Brown said...

At 17, she sure needs some good adviser...what is she doing with a guy like that, evn if she has an horrible past...

Anonymous said...

Hello beautiful.
I had to see the previous blog but it was missing.
It is advisable to clear up some times
those that do not excite us anymore.
We come here to see you.



The Invisible Seductress said...

Hope somehow someone with wisdom like you DOES get a hold of her...maybe me do an advice column anywhere?? I need counseling...


Gorgeous_Puddin said...

Ahh poor baby she so young and silly I just fill sorry for her. He is out of pocket but hopefully young too since she's 17. FaceBook is the DEVIL!

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

oops feel

Stephanie said...

1) How dumb do u have to be to get a man's name tattooed on you!? Jeeeze, good luck to her.

2) She sounds so immature!! I dont really go on facebook anymore as well...shes bragging about a dude who doesnt even claim her..does she KNOW that he denies her?? Yeah. She needs to re-evaluate some thangs. iCant

Knottie. said...

wow, i have nothing to say. her actions show just how dumb she is.