Hello, My name is Robyn and I am a shallow bitch. Yeap...shallow on too many levels. I'm the girl who looks everyone I meet from head to toe..and judge them before they even open their mouth. I'm the girl who listens to the way people pronounce their words and automatically correct every word in my head. I'm the girl who looks at someone and says " she know she/he shouldnt wear that.", or " she/he should have worn this with that." I am the girl who would never date a guy based SOLEY on his personality. I am the girl who will not go on a "date" with someone I dont find cute at the moment.[I say "at the moment" because I have looked back and thought what was I thinking?..] Point blank, I am the girl who bases too many things on apperance. And, I am working on it. I try to contol those first thoughts that come in my mind...try to judge people based on their personality instead of their looks. I have always been scared to face my insecurities and weaknesses and now that I'm trying to confront them all at the same time...I'm realizing too many things that I never knew.I'm finding myself and trying to be my definition of a better person. It's working...kinda. I don't know how to just turn off my judgement when I see people! Don't get me wrong..I am very open-minded...but when it comes to how ones apperance should be,my mind closes. And I become THAT bitch, that shallow bitch too scared to face her own insecurities, so she picks at others! I'm a work in progress...Toodles!
Even those who say they are not, are shallow on some type of level. I can't stand ppl who I think are hood and who can't speak or write english correctly...this includes both Americans and foreigners.
♥ SailorWifey
It's something we all struggle with... The other day, my friend made a good point. The sin that gets most of us women is GOSSIP. Evn the sites we visit on the internet, slating what someone is wearing... Judging this, judging that. We are all works in progess. The sooner we can identify a flaw, the closer we are to fixing it.
By the way, what was Flaw 1?
We all do it at some point girl...I cant lie, I do it all the time...I am an observer....I try to put myself in others shoes and wonder why the came out the house lookin like that LOL...I try to make exuses for them, feel sorry for them...Because even on a limited budget, you can put something together that makes you look like a million dollars, I do it all the time :) But there are them days when I just dont care...Have a blessed one! And remember we arent perfect, we are all sinners...We are ALL a work in progress :)
LOL!@ this post. Why was I thinking while reading it...
"So whats wrong with that"...
You call it being Shallow...I call it Standards.
and if thats being Shallow...shit I'm more of a Conceited Shallow Pretty Judgemental Bitch than I thought. HA. But I'm awesome being ME....
I mean if you weren't you Robyn...who would be you??
Seriously I'm glad to see you self evaluating..but dont be to critical of yourself....Its not your fault you have room to judge..LOLLL
damn RoByn, thanks for adding another flaw to ME!
i'm pretty damn shallow myself when you put it like that.. lol.
Don't beat yourself up.
Appearance is key.
There has to be chemistry. If you don't find someone cute in some way, what's the point?
I correct people in my head all the time. I'm not shallow. And don't get me started on the spelling, punctuation and grammar in some of the blogs I read on here!
that's me when Im feeling very opinionated ...
that's me when Im feeling very opinionated ...
That's super big of you to admit that, Robyn. Seriously. I think you might more than a few of us think on that one because so many of us are guilty of it, but probably not honest enough to say "why" we do it. Honesty...gotta love it!
I think you're being quite honest if not entirely fair to yourself. That you're here analysing your actions shows otherwise to the title.
Take care.
i think its human nature to judge based on appearances. we're told from childhood to not base a book by its cover but damn if i dont clutch my purse when i see what appears to be a gang banger.
I am so shallow it is ridiculous!
I think everyone is...at least some of the time... me I have no ugly friends nor any fat friends...that is just crazy ... personality should be #1 right? I'm confident in me but I hate the idea of being "the fat girl group" and I do believe I'm pretty but I ...ummm no real reason for the ugly friend thing lol
Nobody is perfect and the first step to improvement is always recognition of imperfection...Congrats on taking the first step!
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