I want you to understand how hard this is for me.
How hard it is...going without it.
I'm addicted to orgasms.
Addicted to the rush of energy through my body.
The release of all the tension of my day.
Addicted to the sense of calmness it brings me.
Maybe you're wondering why I didn't say that I was just addicted to sex.
Maybe you think I mean sex.
I mean I am fully addicted to orgasms.
See me...I've never cum during sex.
I've never had an orgasm from intercourse.
And as much as I LOVE sex, I can go without.
Orgasms...I cannot.
I have to have at least one a day.
But I usually have two.
Self pleasure is a necessity for me.
I've gone through extreme lengths just to...cum.
Even when I'm getting dicked down on a regular, I still have to assist myself daily.
So in a sense, I'm addicted to masturbating.
Because I'm the only one who knows how to make me squirt.
How to make it trickle slowly from my sugar walls.
I can do it in 2 minutes,
or serenade myself for hours.
But self-pleasure only makes me crave sex more.
Crave to be filled in ways only another could do.
No plastic.
I want to feel the throbbing inside of me.
Want him to be able to feel me when I clench my walls around it,
Hear him telling me how good it feels.
Wrapping my mouth around the warm beautiful brown skin...
feeling it pulsate as it builds up...
Knowing that I'm working for his nutt.
Knowing that this pussy has him addicted.
All things that a plastic dick cannot do for me.
I have a problem.
I'm addicted to orgasms.
Orgasms brought by myself.
And orgasms make me feind for sex.
Maybe I'm just a nympho...who isn't getting enough.